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O'Fallon Retail Map
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O'Fallon Retail Map
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Business Name
When searching for a business, only enter the first few characters of the business name. If the business name includes an apostrophe, like O’Fallon,
do not
include the apostrophe. The search text should
only contain letters
of the name, like OFallon.
Business Category
Select Category
New Businesses
Find businesses in O'Fallon that have received a new license within the previous 90 days.
What's Nearby
Adjust the distance (ft) to search from your current location.
Click Map
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O'Fallon Retail Map
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There are currently no search results.
No businesses were found.
You can select another location using the button below.
Click Map
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O'Fallon Retail Map
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This map is for general informational purposes only. The City of O'Fallon makes no representaions or warranties about the accuracy of the information contained herein and assumes no responsibility for the information contained on these maps. If errors or omissions are found, users are encouraged to contact the City of O'Fallon, Economic Development Department at...
The City of O'Fallon reserves the right to include/exclude any business in the map at its discretion.
The informaton contained in this mobile web site is updated daily.
In order for a business to show up they must be within the city limits of O'Fallon and have a current business license with the City of O'Fallon.
For information about obtaining or renewing a business license with the City you can visit our Economic Development
web site
for additional information.
If any of the information is incorrect or needs to be updated, please contact
Economic Development
To Move: Swipe in any direction to pan To Zoom In/Out: Pinch-and-zoom, double-tap, or use the “+/–“ tools. The Home button zooms out to the original view.
Zoom in to any area to see nearby businesses. Tap a business location to view additional information.
Upon entering the Search tab, the app will ask to use your current GPS location. GPS location is not required to use this app, but additional features will be available if permission is granted.
By Business Name: Type at least three letters in the business’ name. A broader search will result in a better match.
By Business Category: Choose a type of business from the dropdown list.
New Businesses: Shows only businesses that have recently opened in O’Fallon.
What’s Nearby: Adjust the slider from 250’ to 1000’ to search for businesses near your current location using GPS, or by clicking on a precise location on the map.
Search Results
The latest search results can be found on the Results tab. If device GPS is turned on, use Google Directions for turn-by-turn instructions from your current location. Or use O’Fallon Map to view the business location.
To reset search results, perform a new search or hit the Clear button on the map.
Created by the City of OFallon
Planning & Development GIS